Quick Recap
What a 2021. We had everything. Promises delivered, promises not delivered, amazing videos, conversations on ethics, tardigrades entangled…
In this special edition we will have a quick summary of what (I believe) have been some of the most notable or relevant news of the year! Join me in this trip around the world of Quantum. I have included both the links I believe were more useful, as well as the most clicked articles in this newsletter (so basically, using the crowd to decide!). Some of the articles below may have not aged well, and that is the point. So take them with a pinch of salt. At the end of the day, do you rememember when everyone said practical QC was 50 years away and how now the industry is coalescing between 2 to 5 years?
What will 2022 have for us? Quantum Advantage? M&As? Quantum Unicorns? More SPACs? No matter what, I’m grateful for having you as subscribers to this humble newsletter. During 2021 I had the chance of meeting some of you in person, so hopefully in 2022 we can reconnect and meet some more!
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The Quantumfy Series recap
The Quantumfy team has created a nice recap of some of the nicest infographics in our field.
The (2021) YEAR in Quantum Computing
Zapata: Annual Report on Enterprise Quantum Computing Adoption
Investors dumping money in quantum tech in the hopes of a big payday
What does the Bell Test mean for our understanding of the Universe?
11 Global Banks probing the wonderful world of quantum technologies
New computing algorithms expand the boundaries of a quantum future
No, you don't need to be a quantum physicist to work in quantum computing
The Week in Quantum Computing. Brought to you by Sergio Gago (@piratecto). Sponsored by Qapitan Quantum.
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