The Week in Quantum Computing. Brought to you by Sergio Gago (@piratecto).
Quick Recap
Quantum Machines added $20M investment to their existing $50M series B from late 2021 and IonQ opens their fab in Washington. After these announcement some of the “quantum stocks” got a bump but the forecast is not so good for the SPAC-led public companies. Nanyang TU in Singapore group manages to get a quantum harmonic oscillator in room temperature. The HO is the basic building block for superconducting qubits. On the other side of the hardware Russ Fein wrote a fantastic piece on how neutral atom qubits work and the players in the market and Zlatko Minev from IBM posts the open questions today in QC. Meanwhile IBM as well from their Institute for Business Value released a report on Security on the Quantum Era that is a must read. At the same time Megaport and Qrypt did a demo on their “quantum secure” data transmission technology. Although the community has questions on how this is marketed since it is “not quantum”. Deloitte just launched their second edition of the Quantum Climate Challenge.
Zlako’s Open Questions
Read this thread on the validity of quantum cybersecurity and let me know your own thoughts on the matter!
Are you a business leader and your company is interested in Quantum? (Whether you are already acting on it or not, at Moody’s we want your opinion. This survey will take you 5 minutes to fill and we will send you the results of the research, and you will have first access to some of the developments we are about to publish during this quarter. Acess the survey here.
The Week in Quantum Computing
Quantum computers threaten our whole cybersecurity infrastructure: here’s how scientists can bulletproof it
Thirteen, 53 and 433. That’s the size of quantum computers in terms of quantum bits, or qubits, which has significantly grown in the last years due to important public and private investments and initiatives.
January 15, 2023 at 09:30AM
Deloitte’s Quantum Climate Challenge 2023
We invite you to explore quantum computing for materials research by tackling the challenge of simulating materials that filter carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere and may help reach the 2°C goal.
January 15, 2023 at 04:30PM
Megaport and Qrypt demonstrate First of its Kind Global Quantum Secure Data Transmissions
HONOLULU--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Qrypt and Megaport today debuted the ability to transmit data using quantum-secure methods powered by Qrypt quantum key generation technology.
January 15, 2023 at 08:30PM
Nobody understands quantum physicists
Chris, you got the quote wrong. It’s “nobody understands quantum physics.” Surely we have a problem with quantum physics, not physicists. I mean, look at all these quotes from people you are supposed to admire! Cute.
January 16, 2023 at 07:30AM
Reversible Computing and Quantum Computing for Everyday Devices is Now Closer Than Ever
Logical Reverse Computing breakthrough using Quantum Mechanic principles via the Advanced Arithmetic Rotations chip that achieves ‘processor-less’ processing. LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM, January 16, 2023 /EINPresswire.
January 16, 2023 at 04:31PM
Ready your quantum workforce
How can slowing climate change accelerate your financial performance? How can sustainable finance transform 2050 pledges into real-world impact?
January 16, 2023 at 08:30PM
Quantum Computing with Neutral Atoms
In an early Quantum Leap post back in December 2021, I wrote about the various qubits being used to drive Quantum Computers (QC) and neutral atoms didn’t make it into the post.
January 18, 2023 at 07:30AM
Open Questions in Quantum Computing
In the words of Hilbert, who doesn’t want to lift the veil behind which the future lies hidden? To glance at the next level of advances? To experiment and have a fun discussion, let’s see what you think are the big open questions in quantum computing?
January 18, 2023 at 07:30AM
IBM: Security in the quantum computing era
Quantum computing has the potential to create immense business benefits, and the social implications of quantum technologies are likely to be far-reaching. By decade’s end, practical quantum computing solutions could impact computing strategies across industries.
January 18, 2023 at 07:30AM
Scientists make a quantum harmonic oscillator at room temperature
The research, conducted in collaboration with scientists at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore and published in Nature Communications recently, used an organic semiconductor to produce polaritons, which show quantum states even at room temperature.
January 18, 2023 at 01:31PM
Xanadu and Rolls-Royce to build quantum computing tools with PennyLane
TORONTO, /PRNewswire/ - Xanadu, the world leader in photonic quantum computing, and Rolls-Royce are co-developing new quantum algorithm tooling for PennyLane, Xanadu's open-source quantum computing software widely used for quantum machine learning, chemistry, and optimization.
January 18, 2023 at 05:31PM
IBM: Quantum computing poses an ‘existential threat’ to data encryption
Today, IBM Institute for Business Value issued a new report titled Security in the Quantum Era, examining the reality of quantum risk and the need for enterprise adoption of quantum-safe capabilities to safeguard the integrity of critical applications and infrastructure as the risk of decryption increases.
January 19, 2023 at 07:31AM
Quantum Startups’ Stock Market Dreams Are Decohering
Quantum computing company Rigetti began trading on the Nasdaq in March 2022. But it bypassed the typical fanfare of a startup IPO. Instead, Rigetti merged with a special-purpose acquisition company, or SPAC, a cash-rich shell corporation already listed on the stock exchange.
January 19, 2023 at 08:30AM
The world is heading for a 'quantum divide': here's why it matters
The impact of quantum technology will be far-reaching, in fields ranging from cybersecurity to drug development.
Currently, 17 countries have invested in a national program of quantum technology research and development, while more than 150 have not.
Leaders in quantum technology must commit to inclusivity in quantum education, in order to close the divide.
January 19, 2023 at 04:30PM
IonQ: Opening of 1st Quantum Computing Manufacturing Plant in U.S
The 65,000 square foot facility is located in Bothell, Wash., home to tech and pharma enterprises like Microsoft, Google, Amazon, Panasonic, and Seattle Genetics, as well as academic institutions like the University of Washington.
January 20, 2023 at 09:31AM
Quantum Machines continues to grow in spite of economic uncertainity
Conventional wisdom suggests that a Series B company should be hunkering down right now, cutting costs, weathering the storm, but Israeli startup Quantum Machines is defying this approach as it continues to grow in spite of the economic uncertainty swirling around the world.
January 20, 2023 at 09:32PM
Pentagon must act now on quantum computing or be eclipsed by rivals
As quantum computers continue to advance and become more powerful, they present a significant threat to the Department of Defense’s cybersecurity assurance.
January 22, 2023 at 12:30AM