The Week in Quantum Computing. Brought to you by Sergio Gago (@piratecto) and The Quantum World Association.
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By @piratecto
Quick Recap
DWave “kind of” claimed quantum advantage for material simulation. The IQHack from Pennylane has gathered a big part of the community (summary below) and John Preskill has made public his Quantum Computing classes at Caltech. But that is not all. IonQ is apparently talking about going public via a SPAC. IonQ is famous for their contested marketing claims (but also for having really beautiful less-noisy ion trapped qubits). Other companies have joined the trend apparently. Are we really ready as an industry to go public or would this just feed the hype?
The Quote of the Week
"I want to advise you not to conform too soon and to resist the pressure of practical necessity. Free imagination is the inestimable prerogative of youth and it must be cherished and guarded as a treasure"
Felix Bloch - physicist and Nobel physics laureate
Featured Content
Quantum Business Europe (March 16th/17th), is the new must-attend digital event to learn about the advancements and business applications of quantum technologies. Discover the first use cases, exchange ideas, and better understand all the challenges of this upcoming revolution.
Quantum Pirates and QWA readers receive a 25% discount booking with this code: QBE-QWA. Register here.
Quantum Definitions (by @quantumfyed)
The folks at @quantumfyed are creating amazing infographies explaining quantum mechanics and quantum computing concepts. We will be posting some of them here. Follow them for great content: Twitter: and Instagram: Instagram:
The Summary of the Week
Mid-Atlantic Quantum Alliance Expands Impact and Reach with Addition of 10 New Partners
The Mid-Atlantic Quantum Alliance—a rapidly growing hub of quantum technology research, development, innovation and education organized and facilitated by the University of Maryland—has added 10 new members over the past year for a total of 24 university, government and industry partners.
February 21, 2021 at 10:33PM
Quantum Ready: The State of Quantum Computing in 2021
In my experience with the evolution of Artificial Intelligence, business leaders tried to implement AI as any other technology and the majority of projects failed. The black box, job insecurity, bias, people challenges and hype were all part of the AI reality.
February 21, 2021 at 10:33PM
Cutting-Edge Quantum Collaboration Gives New Gravity to the Mysteries of the Universe
Scientists have used cutting-edge research in quantum computation and quantum technology to pioneer a radical new approach to determining how our Universe works at its most fundamental level.
February 22, 2021 at 08:33PM
Iran Launches Phase Three of Tests on Quantum Key Distribution
Iran has launched phase three of tests on quantum key distribution (QKD), a secure communication method which implements a cryptographic protocol involving components of quantum mechanics.
February 22, 2021 at 09:33PM
Europe’s Push Towards the Quantum Future
My focus over the past few years has been the intersection of artificial intelligence, IoT and quantum computing (QC) through experience and observation.
February 22, 2021 at 10:33PM
A quantum computer just solved a decades-old problem three million times faster than a classical computer
The calculation that D-Wave and Google's teams tackled is a real-world problem; in fact, it has already been resolved by the 2016 winners of the Nobel Prize in Physics, Vadim Berezinskii, J.
February 23, 2021 at 09:33PM
IonQ in Talks to Go Public Through Merger with DMY SPAC
IonQ is in advanced talks to merge with DMY Technology Group Inc. III, according to people with knowledge of the matter, creating one of the first public quantum-computing companies.
February 24, 2021 at 08:33AM
Q-CTRL's New AI-based Tools Enable Quantum Computers to 'Self-tune' for Unparalleled Results
LOS ANGELES, Feb. 10, 2021 – A new AI-based toolset developed by scientists at Q-CTRL enables quantum computers to optimize their own performance autonomously without user intervention.
February 24, 2021 at 11:33AM
Resource-efficient quantum algorithm for protein folding
Predicting the three-dimensional structure of a protein from its primary sequence of amino acids is known as the protein folding problem.
February 24, 2021 at 06:33PM
Ph/CS 219A Quantum Computation
If you want to learn quantum computing, probably Preskill is your guy. He has uploaded his lecturesLectures for the first term of a course on quantum computation taught at Caltech in Fall 2020. Slides for all the lectures are available at
February 24, 2021 at 10:33PM
NTT boffins they’ve out-randomed current quantum random number generators
Researchers at the Japan's Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) claim they've invented the first high-speed quantum random number generator built on realistic quantum devices.
February 25, 2021 at 09:33AM
Quantum Computer Error Correction Is Getting Practical
Quantum computers are gaining traction across fields from logistics to finance. But as most users know, they remain research experiments, limited by imperfections in hardware. Today’s machines tend to suffer hardware failures—errors in the underlying quantum information carriers called qubits—in times much shorter than a second. Compare that with the approximately one billion years of continuous operation before a transistor in a conventional computer fails, and it becomes obvious that we have a long way to go.
February 26, 2021 at 08:33AM
CrownBio and JSR Life Sciences Partner with Cambridge Quantum Computing for Cancer Treatment
Crown Bioscience (CrownBio), JSR Life Sciences and Cambridge Quantum Computing (CQC) today announced a partnership agreement to explore the application of quantum technology to drive the identification of multi-gene biomarker discovery for oncology drug discovery.
The partnership will combine CrownBio’s domain expertise and vast data sets generated from 15 years of preclinical and translational research and CQC’s advanced capabilities in quantum algorithms, quantum machine learning, and quantum computing.
February 26, 2021 at 08:33AM
Researchers send entangled qubit states through a communication channel for the first time
Prof. Andrew Cleland’s lab sent entangled qubit states through a communication cable, laying the groundwork for future quantum communication networks.
February 26, 2021 at 08:33AM
Quantum communication device could create limitless data capacity
California researchers discovered a way to leverage an unused property of light to apply the unrestricted nature of the quantum domain to wireless communication, creating a new type of channel with infinite capacity that could make looming data limitations irrelevant.
February 26, 2021 at 05:33PM
Video: The realities of Quantum Computing for the industry, ecosystem and outlook
The world of Quantum Computing is growing quickly. We are improving our qubits quickly and new algorithms pop up every week. The amount of published papers has grown exponentially and big companies and startups (together with their funds) are betting heavily on the industry. As most of them say, "It
QHack Recap — PennyLane, Amazon Braket and Beyond
And, much like the QML community itself, it grew considerably larger… 2650+ people, 430+ teams, 85 countries — a long, long way from the 2019 edition.
February 27, 2021 at 08:33PM