The Week in Quantum Computing. Brought to you by Sergio Gago (@piratecto).
Quick Recap
StrangeWorks finalizes their series A for $24M during a full week of AI developments. IBM announces they will install the third quantum computer in Spain, specificially in the Basque Country (if you ask me, another example of everyone trying to go their own way instead of joining forces). Nvidia had a big week during their conference where they announced several upgrades in cuQuantum, as well as DGX, their GPU accelerated system with big initial partnerships. They also want to improve their litography processes, and for that they have release a platform called “CuLitho” (Yes, if you speak spanish you will be cracking now). This shows how the company is doubling down in Quantum, specifically in the early stages during NISQ. IQM from Finland launches their free “academy” in the hopes of increasing market share, and a very good article from Q. Zeitgeist with 10 free resources to spend your Easter in quantum peace. D-wave is the second company in the industry with a delisting warning trading today at $0,51. Pasqal has created a new platform to get developers more acquianted with neutral atoms (pesky things they are), (the atoms, not the company).
An finally, the elephant in the room. Does Grover’s algorithm provide advantage or not? As you may know, Grover’s algorithm is one of the few that provides theoretical speed up over its classical counterparts and a building block for much of what we do today in Quantum. However a paper published this week (Grover's Algorithm Offers No Quantum Advantage by Stoudenmire and Xavier Waintal) has caused much turmoil in the industry. Almost a civil war between complexity theorists and physicists. In the paper they try to demonstrate that Grover shows no quantum advantage due to the needs of the oracle and that they can achieve a better result using tensor networks. Of course the community took it seriously.
But if you are short on time, this is the thread you have to read.
And if you want to go deeper, refer to Aaronson posts I added below, that summarizes everything. In general, yet another quantum civil war going on. What a time to be alive.
Next Conferences
The global Quantum.Tech summit is headed to Singapore! Being a global hub in the region with a vibrant tech-transfer ecosystem and world class community of researchers, this will be perfect platform to get an unbiased view on where quantum technology in APAC is headed.
Meet me in Boston on April 25th and 26th for two things: Talking about quantum in the finance industry and a private, invite only session for banks, insurance companies and asset managers. If you want your organization to take the leap on what is next in quantum, you can’t miss that session.
Want to attend the session? Register here:
and use the code MOODYSQUANTUM to get a discount.
The Week in Quantum Computing
Top 10 free resources for quantum computing
This article will explore the top 10 free quantum computing resources available to anyone. These resources cover various topics, from basic concepts to advanced quantum computing applications. By the end of this article, you will have a comprehensive understanding of quantum computing and its potential applications.
March 19, 2023 at 10:30PM
Enabling Matrix Product State–Based Quantum Circuit Simulation with NVIDIA cuQuantum
Quantum circuit simulation is the best means to design quantum-ready algorithms so you can take advantage of powerful quantum computers as soon as they are available. NVIDIA cuQuantum is an SDK that enables you to leverage different ways to perform quantum circuit simulation.
March 20, 2023 at 07:30AM
Paper Grover's Algorithm Offers No Quantum Advantage
Grover's algorithm is one of the primary algorithms offered as evidence that quantum computers can provide an advantage over classical computers. It involves an "oracle" (external quantum subroutine) which must be specified for a given application and whose internal structure is not part of the formal scaling of the quantum speedup guaranteed by the algorithm. Grover's algorithm also requires exponentially many steps to succeed, raising the question of its implementation on near-term, non-error-corrected hardware and indeed even on error-corrected quantum computers. In this work, we construct a quantum inspired algorithm, executable on a classical computer, that performs Grover's task in a linear number of call to the oracle - an exponentially smaller number than Grover's algorithm - and demonstrate this algorithm explicitly for boolean satisfiability problems (3-SAT). Our finding implies that there is no a priori theoretical quantum speedup associated with Grover's algorithm. We critically examine the possibility of a practical speedup, a possibility that depends on the nature of the quantum circuit associated with the oracle. We argue that the unfavorable scaling of the success probability of Grover's algorithm, which in the presence of noise decays as the exponential of the exponential of the number of qubits, makes a practical speedup unrealistic even under extremely optimistic assumptions on both hardware quality and availability.
March 21, 2023 at 07:30AM
Strangeworks Commercial Success In Quantum Computing Drives Ecosystem Expansion, Lands $24M Series A
Based in Austin, Texas, Strangeworks removes the barriers to quantum, so you can turn what if into what is, with the most complete quantum ecosystem available. Move every bold idea forward faster with all the quantum and quantum-inspired solutions, all in one place.
March 21, 2023 at 11:30PM
NVIDIA Debuts DGX Quantum: World’s First GPU Accelerated Quantum Computing System, Uses Open-Source CUDA Quantum Software
NVIDIA today announced its brand new DGX Quantum system which it calls the world's first GPU-accelerated quantum computing design.
March 22, 2023 at 07:30AM
IQM Academy: Europe's Leading Quantum Computer Manufacturer Launches Free Online Course for All
ESPOO, Finland--(BUSINESS WIRE)--IQM Quantum Computers (IQM), the European leader in building quantum computers, today launched a global initiative, “IQM Academy,” to offer a free online quantum training course to educate and prepare talent for quantum workforce development.
March 22, 2023 at 01:30PM
How Quantum Computing will Change the Future of Warfare
Quantum computing, an emerging technology, was merely a theory until the 1980s, while, today nations are trying to leverage Quantum computing in warfare.
March 22, 2023 at 01:30PM
Does Grover’s algorithm offer a quantum advantage?
(Aaronson updated several times his post, including an answer to Xavier Waintal, one of the paper’s authors.
In Of course Grover’s algorithm offers a quantum advantage! […] the authors assume you’re given, not merely an oracle for f, but the actual circuit to compute f. They then use that circuit in a non-oracular way to extract the marked item. In which case, I’d prefer to say that they’ve actually solved the Grover problem with zero queries—simply because they’ve entirely left the black-box setting where Grover’s algorithm is normally formulated! […]
March 22, 2023 at 11:30PM
Are You Ready for Quantum Communications?
In August 2022, US President Joe Biden signed into law the $280 billion CHIPS and Science Act, which dedicates around $500 million for the development of quantum networks along with additional funding for quantum research.
March 22, 2023 at 11:30PM
D-Wave hello to another quantum pioneer warned over possible delisting
D-Wave Quantum Inc is being warned by the New York Stock Exchange that it no longer complies with the regulations that govern listed businesses because its share price has been sitting under $1 for 30 trading days. The Notice of Non-Compliance – specifically Section 802.
March 23, 2023 at 11:30PM
Fujitsu & Osaka University Develop Quantum Computing Architecture, Accelerating Progress Toward Practical Application
Fujitsu and Osaka University's Center for Quantum Information and Quantum Biology (QIQB) today revealed the development of a new, highly efficient analog rotation quantum computing architecture, representing a significant milestone toward the realization of practical quantum computing.
March 24, 2023 at 10:30AM
IBM To Deploy Quantum System In The Basque Country Of Spain.
IBM has announced that it has contracted with Fundación Ikerbasque to install and manage a new Quantum computer system, including Qiskit Runtime Services, in the Basque Country.
March 24, 2023 at 10:30AM
New experiment translates quantum information between technologies in an important step for the quantum internet
Researchers have discovered a way to "translate" quantum information between different kinds of quantum technologies, with significant implications for quantum computing, communication, and networking.
The research was published in the journal Nature on Wednesday. It represents a new way to convert quantum information from the format used by quantum computers to the format needed for quantum communication.
March 24, 2023 at 10:30PM