The Week in Quantum Computing. Brought to you by Sergio Gago (@piratecto) and The Quantum World Association.
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By @piratecto
Quick Recap
Israel puts $60M to build their quantum computer. Quantonation in France builds a new $20M fund for their investments in Quantum. In the meantime CQC open sources Tiket and publishes a great work on NLP. Big milestone on programmable photonic chips that could leap frog QCs based in light. Ah, and Barcelona starts implementing its pilot on Quantum Communication link between ICFO and CTTI.
Wait, there is more. This week two papers have made big claims
Fast Factoring Integers by SVP algorithms, while contested, claims that it could break RSA using classical methods.
Simulating the Sycamore quantum supremacy results claims and proves (with code!) that you can simulate classically the same “former advantage” using 60 GPUs and tensor networks.
Basically two papers that could alone take down any quantum supremacy claim, or just help both worlds: classical and quantum computing, keep pushing each other to achieve amazing results
The Quote of the Week
"As the prerogative of Natural Science is to cultivate a taste for observation, so that of Mathematics is, almost from the starting point, to stimulate the faculty of invention."
James Joseph Sylvester - mathematician, inventor of Sylvester's criterion
Featured Content
Quantum Business Europe (March 16th/17th), is the new must-attend digital event to learn about the advancements and business applications of quantum technologies. Discover the first use cases, exchange ideas, and better understand all the challenges of this upcoming revolution.
Quantum Pirates and QWA readers receive a 25% discount booking with this code: QBE-QWA. Register here.
Quantum Definitions (by @quantumfyed)
The folks at @quantumfyed are creating amazing infographies explaining quantum mechanics and quantum computing concepts. We will be posting some of them here. Follow them for great content: Twitter: and Instagram: Instagram:
The Summary of the Week
Paper: Whole-device entanglement in a 65-qubit superconducting quantum computer
The ability to generate large-scale entanglement is an important progenitor of quantum information processing capability in noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices. In this paper, we investigate the extent to which entangled quantum states over large numbers of qubits can be prepared on current superconducting quantum devices. We prepared native graph states on the IBM Quantum 65-qubit ibmq_manhattan device and the 53-qubit ibmq_rochester device and applied quantum readout-error mitigation (QREM). Connected entanglement graphs spanning each of the full devices were detected, indicating whole-device entanglement in both devices. The application of QREM was shown to increase the observed entanglement within all measurements, in particular, the detected number of entangled pairs of qubits found within ibmq_rochester increased from 31 to 56 of the total 58 connected pairs. The results of this work indicate full entanglement in two of the largest superconducting devices to date.
February 28, 2021 at 09:33AM
via Pocket
Video: How to build a quantum internet
You’ve probably heard of quantum computers - but what about the quantum internet? Entangling qubits across large distances to form a quantum internet could be one of the most exciting developments in quantum technology, and now a group of researchers claim to have taken one of the first steps to
Qubit needle detected in a haystack of nuclear spins – Physics World
Researchers at Cambridge University in the UK have found a new way to detect a single quantum bit (qubit) hidden in a dense cloud of 100 000 qubits made from the nuclear spins of quantum dots.
March 01, 2021 at 10:33PM
Cambridge Quantum Announces Largest Ever Natural Language Processing Implementation on a Quantum Computer
Cambridge Quantum Computing (CQC) announces the publication of a research paper on the online pre-print repository arxiv (available here) that provides details of the largest ever experimental implementation of Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks on a quantum computer.
March 02, 2021 at 08:33AM
Path to European quantum unicorns
Quantum computing holds the potential to deliver great economic prosperity to the European Union (EU).
March 02, 2021 at 10:33AM
GlaxoSmithKline Marks Quantum Progress with D-Wave
The mRNA codon optimization problem is a good fit for quantum annealing because it is an NP-hard optimization problem—the very problem set D-Wave has often discussed when describing potential use cases. In this problem each amino acid in a protein sequence can be represented by as many as six codons, the goal is to find the right combination. This problem is important because, as the authors of the GSK paper on codon optimization on quantum architectures note, it can “impact downstream processes such as protein folding and function, which is important for use cases including recombinant protein therapies.”
March 03, 2021 at 04:33PM
Researchers realize quantum communications milestone using light
Technologies based on the notoriously tricky laws of quantum mechanics promise to enable computers much more powerful than today's fastest supercomputers, unhackable secure communications and unprecedented sensing capabilities necessary for further scientific discovery.
March 03, 2021 at 06:33PM
Photonic chip brings optical quantum computers a step closer
A programmable photonic circuit has been developed that can execute various quantum algorithms and is potentially highly scalable. This device could pave the way for large-scale quantum computers based on photonic hardware.
March 03, 2021 at 06:33PM
Quantum-Proof Cryptography with IronBridge, TKET and Amazon Braket
Protecting your data against a quantum adversary requires more than implementing post-quantum algorithms.
March 05, 2021 at 09:33AM
Q-CTRL and Fleet to develop quantum sensing tech for space exploration
Q-CTRL has teamed up with Fleet Space Technologies to develop quantum sensing and navigation technologies for space exploration. The two Australian startups have paired off as a result of their involvement in the Seven Sisters space industry consortium, which was founded by Fleet.
March 05, 2021 at 09:33AM
Quantique : le fonds Quantonation boucle un premier closing de 20 millions d’euros
Accueil/Actualité/Quantique : le fonds Quantonation boucle un premier closing de 20 millions d’eurosActualitéBusinessTech Quantique : le fonds Quantonation boucle un premier closing de 20 millions d’euros 04/03/2021 Les forces vives de l’écosystème français dans les technologies quantique
March 05, 2021 at 11:33AM
Israel allocates $60 million to build first quantum computer
Israel is investing 1.25 billion NIS in a national initiative to build up quantum proficiency, and this project in particular is part of that initiative.
March 05, 2021 at 09:33PM
First steps towards the implementation of the ’EuroQCI’, the European Quantum Communication Infrastructure
The Government of Catalonia, ICFO and Cellnex launch the project ’Quantum Cryptography in Critical Communications’ to develop and validate a system of quantum keys for ultra-secure encryption and transmission of information.
March 06, 2021 at 12:33PM
CQC Releases New Version of High-Performance Quantum Software Development Toolkit and Provides Open-source Access for All Extensions
Cambridge Quantum Computing (CQC) are pleased to announce the latest version of tket (pronounced “ticket”), our high-performance quantum software development kit (SDK). The main change in Version 0.8 is that we have open-sourced all of the extensions.
March 06, 2021 at 11:33PM