Welcome to Quantum Pirates!

The Week in Quantum Computing. Brought to you by Sergio Gago

First of all, thank you very much for subscribing! I hope I can bring you some value by talking, discussing and curating content on what is going on in the world of Quantum Computing and surroundings. (yep, materials, sensings, simulation, etc…). But since my personal bias is computation, you can expect a big part of the content in that direction.

What you will find here is a collection of news, resources, videos and papers that I compile during the week. Those can be useful for training and getting into the field, or can be news relevant to the industry. I’m curating the content in a way that you get the signal from the noise and I put my own comments.

From time to time we will have some guest writers and other initiatives (so if you want to pitch in just drop me a note).

Follow me on twitter @piratecto and Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/sergiogh/ to get stuff in real time. You can get to know me better on my site: The Pirate CTO

Disclaimer: All posts and opinions are my own and don’t represent the opinion of my employers, clients or investors. I may have investments in some of the companies mentioned. Under no circumstance the content in this newsletter / blog can be considered investment advice.

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Quantum Computing curated news and information


Wanderlust, entrepreneur, pirate, scuba instructor, MBA, software developer, CTO & #quantumcomputing enthusiast