“AI will play a major role in the future of tech, it is quantum computers that are the real ‘game-changer’”, — Vivek Mahajan (Fujitsu CTO). This summarises the industry today. QuintessenceLabs finalises its funding round, Quantum Brilliance joins a $17,5M research project in Germany, and Alice&Bob raise $30M. AWS launches support for OpenQASM (the closest thing to assembler for quantum) allowing for multi qubit-technology (gate based) circuits. And probably the story of the week, Q-Ctrl promises 9000x algorithmic performance by a combination of error correction and circuit design. Oh yes, do you want a 25 qubit quantum computer in less than a month? QuantWare can do that. Lastly, Riggeti announces 48% YoY revenue growth, ready to invest?
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The Week in Quantum Computing - Mar 14th …
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“AI will play a major role in the future of tech, it is quantum computers that are the real ‘game-changer’”, — Vivek Mahajan (Fujitsu CTO). This summarises the industry today. QuintessenceLabs finalises its funding round, Quantum Brilliance joins a $17,5M research project in Germany, and Alice&Bob raise $30M. AWS launches support for OpenQASM (the closest thing to assembler for quantum) allowing for multi qubit-technology (gate based) circuits. And probably the story of the week, Q-Ctrl promises 9000x algorithmic performance by a combination of error correction and circuit design. Oh yes, do you want a 25 qubit quantum computer in less than a month? QuantWare can do that. Lastly, Riggeti announces 48% YoY revenue growth, ready to invest?