AWS Opens Networking center led by another Spaniard. Dr. Antia Lamas-Linares. Qiskit now speaks “Braket” and you can throw your Qiskit circuits into AWS systems. Rigetti goes british with their first 32 qubit device in the UK. A great piece on what is (and why is important) Quantum error correction. 81% of industry leaders in the UK expect industry disruption because of Quantum by 2030. The Quasar project and of course the big announcement. Silicon Quantum Computing has announced their first quantum integrated circuit. The news have showed it as it if was the “first circuit ever” which of course is not true. What they have done (which is a quite a feat and a milestone) is to build an atom-scale IC with the smallest ever transistors. They have modelled with it a poliacetylene molecule which is where the limits of classical simulation sits today. This goes right after their announcemnet for a next funding round. Congrats to the team!
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The Week in Quantum Computing - June 27th …
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AWS Opens Networking center led by another Spaniard. Dr. Antia Lamas-Linares. Qiskit now speaks “Braket” and you can throw your Qiskit circuits into AWS systems. Rigetti goes british with their first 32 qubit device in the UK. A great piece on what is (and why is important) Quantum error correction. 81% of industry leaders in the UK expect industry disruption because of Quantum by 2030. The Quasar project and of course the big announcement. Silicon Quantum Computing has announced their first quantum integrated circuit. The news have showed it as it if was the “first circuit ever” which of course is not true. What they have done (which is a quite a feat and a milestone) is to build an atom-scale IC with the smallest ever transistors. They have modelled with it a poliacetylene molecule which is where the limits of classical simulation sits today. This goes right after their announcemnet for a next funding round. Congrats to the team!