A breakthrough in speed. Quantum does not only need amount of qubits, also coherence times, error correction and errorless gates, and speed on how we apply the gates (pulses) to it. It is a combination of many factors and we should not be carried away by the “1.000.000 qubit” concept without more information. Meanwhile Quantinuum achieves 8192 QV on their H1 device. Intel releases their Quantum SDK finally revealing some of the work they have been doing. IBM joins GSMA and Vodafone founding the Post-Quantum Telco Network Taskforce.How much does it cost to build a Quantum Datacenter? Well you can start with $100M as Atom builds one facility at Boulder. In the meantime OQC will colocate their device at Cyxtera’s datacenter.
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The Week in Quantum Computing - October 3rd
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A breakthrough in speed. Quantum does not only need amount of qubits, also coherence times, error correction and errorless gates, and speed on how we apply the gates (pulses) to it. It is a combination of many factors and we should not be carried away by the “1.000.000 qubit” concept without more information. Meanwhile Quantinuum achieves 8192 QV on their H1 device. Intel releases their Quantum SDK finally revealing some of the work they have been doing. IBM joins GSMA and Vodafone founding the Post-Quantum Telco Network Taskforce.How much does it cost to build a Quantum Datacenter? Well you can start with $100M as Atom builds one facility at Boulder. In the meantime OQC will colocate their device at Cyxtera’s datacenter.