Graphene and quantum is not just two hype words together, but the beginning of a great friendship. Quantum Machines hits the gas pedal. Nice publications from CQ If Quantum Computers live in a pure probabilistic world, probably problems that rely on probabilistic simulation can see advantage (Montecarlo ahoy!). Big week for communications as well, both on cable and over the air: in China, UK and US.OpenQASM (one of the many the quantum assemblers) starts a steering commitee beyond IBM. And your weekly dose of hype infusing investment news. Jobs to be created and money to be invested.
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The Week in Quantum Computing - September…
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Graphene and quantum is not just two hype words together, but the beginning of a great friendship. Quantum Machines hits the gas pedal. Nice publications from CQ If Quantum Computers live in a pure probabilistic world, probably problems that rely on probabilistic simulation can see advantage (Montecarlo ahoy!). Big week for communications as well, both on cable and over the air: in China, UK and US.OpenQASM (one of the many the quantum assemblers) starts a steering commitee beyond IBM. And your weekly dose of hype infusing investment news. Jobs to be created and money to be invested.