The Week in Quantum Computing. Brought to you by Sergio Gago and The Quantum World Association. Quick Recap This week has been full of news, so we bring a packed newsletter with many developments specially on the busines side. We are seeing some rapid development on cold superconductors, which can lead to better-more resilient qubits. At the same time every week we see more and more development on the higher layers of quantum computation. Prevision lauches a framework / wrapper around Pennylane, or AQuantum launches their platform for Quantum SDLC.
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The Week in Quantum Computing - October 25th
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The Week in Quantum Computing. Brought to you by Sergio Gago and The Quantum World Association. Quick Recap This week has been full of news, so we bring a packed newsletter with many developments specially on the busines side. We are seeing some rapid development on cold superconductors, which can lead to better-more resilient qubits. At the same time every week we see more and more development on the higher layers of quantum computation. Prevision lauches a framework / wrapper around Pennylane, or AQuantum launches their platform for Quantum SDLC.