Re. 3. ‘Breaking’ The Blockchain:

"False. ... there is nothing (that I know of) that proves the contrary."

The quantum threat to blockchain is more nuanced. Bitcoin blockchain uses different types of addresses with different threat profiles. Older addresses are public key based (p2pk) and are vulnerable to quantum attack. Old addresses contain 4 million BTC or over 25% of all bitcoins. At the current price it is over $156B.

Newer addresses (post-2010) are hash-based (such as p2pkh addresses) and are immune to quantum attacks, but only if the funds never moved out. If even a small amount of funds moved from this address type, the public key is revealed and is vulnerable to quantum attack.

Deloitte has a good article about this issue: https://www2.deloitte.com/nl/nl/pages/innovatie/artikelen/quantum-computers-and-the-bitcoin-blockchain.html

More detailed analysis quantum vulnerability of different blockchain technologies is available in this paper: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-023-32701-6.pdf

PS. Thanks for sharing your insights on a panel at QuantumTech'23 in Boston!

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Thanks a lot! I was not aware of that fact.

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